How To Cultivate “I like you, but…”

As a startup CEO, you’re going to meet a lot of people that you want to get involved in your company, but that you ultimately can’t. Examples:

1) Investors who like you personally and your business, but don’t yet invest.

2) Candidates and advisors you like you and the opportunity, but don’t yet join.

3) Prospects who like you and your solution, but who don’t become paying customers.

You will meet hundreds of them in the first couple of years of your startup. Most startup CEOs don’t do a good job cultivating these relationships. Here’s the quick and simple guide on how to do this in a few hours per month.

The first step is to track all of these people: use a CRM! You can use a personal CRM like StreakContactually, or an SMB-focused CRM likeRelateIQ. Manage the different classes of stakeholders with different tags or lists in the CRM. I wouldn’t recommend SalesForce for this purpose as SalesForce is overkill for the scope of effort here. The key attribute you will want is easy Gmail integration so you can add a contact to a list directly from your inbox to minimize workflow disruption.

The second step is to set aside 2–4 hours each month to do this. Just create a recurring calendar invite. If you schedule it now, it will be a priority. You will have time.

Cultivating Investor Relationships

In almost every blog post ever written about fundraising, one of the commonly repeated recommendations is to stay in touch with investors even when you’re not actively raising. The reasoning behind this is simple. Investors invest in lines, not data points. They want to see how a company progresses over time, and if the company can hit its stated goals. This also gives investors a chance to get to know you better to make sure there is a personality fit.

A common way CEOs manage this process is with regular investor updates and 10–20 minute follow up phone calls. A staggered quarterly cadence is best. Conducting 20–40 investor updates in a few-week span is too burdensome for CEOs. But spreading those 20–40 calls over 3 months into buckets of 6–13 per month is much more manageable. During each of those calls, CEOs should come prepared with one ask of each investor. Asking doesn’t hurt. The better the ask, even if the investor can’t help, the more the investor will like you for thinking strategically about the biggest sources of leverage. The best investors will help you even if they’re not invested. Cultivates the relationship per the Benjamin Franklin effect.

Don’t prepare fresh new content for these investor updates. No one is expecting a formal pitch deck. Instead, just share a handful of KPIs and graphs that they’re already using to run the business. You are probably already including these KPIs in your board meetings. The result is that the time burden of preparing these investor updates should be minimal.

Although this science is relatively known for managing investors, few CEOs do this well for other key stakeholders: candidates and customers.

Cultivating Candidate and Advisor Relationships

The process for cultivating relationships with candidates and advisors is remarkably similar. Candidates want to know the same basic things that VCs want to know: Are you growing? Is your business working? What are the key milestones you need to hit over the next 6 months? What are the risks? What roles are you hiring for?

Most of the investor update can be repurposed to be shared with candidates. As you grow, the diversity of your candidate base will increase. So you’ll want to add in content to appeal to technical types and not just business people. You won’t however want to hop on a phone call with each candidate. There will simply be too many who aren’t ready to leave their current jobs. Your candidate hot-list will swell to over a 100 quickly. There’s simply no way to have that many conversations on a regular basis. However, it’s probably worth it to hop on the phone with your top 3 favorite candidates. You want to stay top of mind.

As your startup grows and you hire capable VPs, you’ll want to pass this responsibility onto each VP. VPs can cater the content to be geared towards their respective audiences. The VP content should include a general note from the CEO as it will make the candidate feel good.

If you have 5 VPs — Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Product, Customer Success — who each own a hot-list of 30–50 candidates, that means you’re actively engaging 200 candidates each quarter. That’s a big deal. Hiring even just a few of them will make a huge difference in your business. And even bigger deal will be that those VPs will engage the 3 best candidates in their respective areas. Hiring even one of those top 15 will be a huge boost.

Cultivating Customer Relationships

CEOs should own this function for all relationships she personally establishes even past $10M ARR. In the early days, the CEO will lead every customer phone call. You’ll build relationships with lots of early potential customers. There will be a select few — typically the most sophisticated, the one’s that “get” your product almost instantly, but that aren’t interested in becoming customers today for one reason or another. Those are some of the best people to stay in touch with. They probably like you and want to see you succeed, but just can’t engage as a customer just yet. These can be some of your best advocates other than paying customers.

The message to potential customers should be very different than the messages to investors and candidates. Customers care far less about the state of your business and much more so about how you can help them. Give them some general information about the state of the business: e.g. “We grew 25% last quarter” even if they don’t know the base from which you grew. Or “We made 2 key hires: Joe and Bob.” But more importantly, highlight, if you can, customer success stories! And share new features thatmatter and explain how they will extract value from those features. Make sure this email doesn’t feel like a newsletter. It’s not. It’s a personal note from the CEO to a really important prospect.

It’s likely that this list of customers isn’t that large. So this may be something you want to individualize on a per customer basis. If you really really really wanted that person to be a customer, they are worth an extra 5–10 minutes of your attention each quarter to deliver a personalized message. And of course, ask for a 5–10 minute phone call to catch up.

That’s it! Cultivating existing relationships is one of the lowest-hanging fruits that you can pick. It’s not hard, but something that most forget to do when they’re caught up in the daily grind.

Why Are Tech Giants Investing in AR and VR?

All of the tech giants are investing at virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). For players like Apple, the target business model is obvious: sell high-end, polished consumer experiences at healthy margins. The same generally true of other hardware players such as Samsung and HTC. Sony and Microsoft are investing not to profit on hardware, but to profit on the ecosystem around the hardware.

But why are advertising companies like Facebook and Google investing in AR and VR? And how will direct response (Google’s dominant revenue stream) and brand advertising (Facebook’s dominant revenue stream) work in AR and VR?

Facebook and Google are investing in AR/VR as defense. The historical precedent is clear: Google bought Android as a defense mechanism to reduce the risk that Microsoft would dominate mobile. Although Android itself isn’t directly materially profitable to Google, Google leverages Android as a source of control over the technology ecosystem to ensure unfettered access to Google’s revenue engine: search.

Mark Zuckerberg has stated that he wishes that Facebook controlled a mobile OS. Why? Because he would prefer that the OS support social sharing through Facebook’s social networks as effortlessly as possible. Zuckerberg wants to create a social OS. This would make Facebook’s products even stickier, draw more engagement to Facebook properties, and ultimately generate more profit.

Given the power that Apple and Google exert over their respective mobile ecosystems, it’s natural that both advertising-based tech giants are investing heavily to control the AR and VR ecosystems of the future. What revenue opportunities do VR and AR offer Google and Facebook?

AR and VR present the greatest advertising canvases conceivable. AR and VR UXs will offer, on a per person basis, orders of magnitude more ad inventory that can be hyper targeted more precisely than ever before. That is the perfect combo for advertisers: scale, precision, and context.

OS makers dictate the rules of the game for their respective hardware form factors. The OS explicitly allows and disallows certain actions by 3rd party apps. Beyond supporting modal, foreground applications, iOS and Android define how apps can interact with the lock screen, home screen, notifications, hardware controls, and silicon components. Android is far more extensible than iOS, but even Android places explicit limits on developers. For example, 3rd party developers can’t replace the notification engine.

Mobile has eaten the world because smartphones have come to consume the white spaces in our lives: people turn to their phones to tweet, SnapChat, and check Instagram/Facebook while waiting at traffic lights and subway stations, at restaurants while waiting for a friend, and even in the bathroom. This has created an enormous opportunity to profit: attention is the world’s most valuable commodity. This is why Facebook has absolutely crushed it on mobile. Facebook controls a significant majority of attention for most users in a new advertising canvas (white space of people’s lives), and Facebook is selling access to that attention for enormous profit.

But mobile has, on a relative basis, hardly touched the active moments of our consumer lives: driving, eating, playing sports, watching movies, socializing with friends, etc. Yes, people play with their phones intermittently while doing all of the above, but one cannot read an actor’s bio and watch a movie at the exact same moment in time. Although Google Maps and Uber have transformed how all of us get around, none of us need to actually interact with our phones while we’re driving or Ubering (and in fact, we shouldn’t as a safety precaution). Audio cues are sufficient. No one uses their phone while playing sports.

AR and VR present an opportunity to layer in ads contextually into active parts of our lives. I’ll cover VR first, then AR.

Technically, VR is a modal activity. You can’t be doing something in VR and the physical world concurrently. But there will be virtual worlds that people can explore for hours on end with all kinds of virtual activities — games, Major League Drone Racing, virtual white boarding spaces, movies, porn, etc. These virtual environments will represent the ultimate advertising canvas for brand and direct response advertising.

For example, between drone races, Facebook/Google will present ads to buy similar drones and register for drone racing lessons. This represents the perfect combination of brand advertising — knowing who you are and creating purchase intent — with direct response advertising — efficiently finding and buying what you know you want.

Or while you’re drawing out the next UI in a VR whiteboarding space with a colleague who lives 500 miles away, you’ll see an ad for an app that helps you build better wireframes. The ad will show how you can literally drag and drop wireframe elements with your hands in virtual space, and interact intelligently with your whiteboard.

AR presents myriad awesome advertising opportunities. As you drive down the highway at 3PM, Google/Facebook will show you an ad to pull into McDonald’s in the next 15 seconds for a 15% discount on chicken salad. Google/Facebook know you haven’t eaten lunch today based on some health tracking, that you’re on a low-carb diet, and McDonald’s knows its slow time between lunch and dinner and will be glad to generate lower margin revenue during off-peak hours. AR is the perfect advertising medium for the physical world. AR presents the ultimate medium for gaming human psychology around scarcity. The opportunities for limited time offers are infinite!

Despite the huge opportunity mobile has presented, AR and VR represent advertising canvases that are orders of magnitude larger. The limitations that iOS and Android impose on 3rd party developers will be insignificant to advertisers relative the limitations that AR/VR OSes will impose on 3rd party apps and advertisers. There will no longer be a lock screen or home screen. Literally the entire world, virtual or physical, will be the “home screen.” The advertising opportunities are nearly infinite, and as such Facebook, Google, and the other tech giants are going to duke it out to dictate the rules of that experience.

It's Not About Me. It's All About You.

Google “common salesforce stage names.” You’ll find a bunch of articles that outline the basic sales process. Depending on the assumed annual contract value (ACV) of the article, you’ll typically see a list that looks something like this. The lower the ACV, the fewer items in the list.


Marketing lead

Marketing qualified lead

Sales accepted lead

Sales qualified lead



Online Demo

Onsite Demo




Closed Won

Closed Lost

This stage naming convention is not useful. It tells the selling organization very little about where the customer is in the buying process. The are a few problems:

1) These stage names are a series of actions the account executive (AE) has done with/to the customer. More importantly, these stage names do not reflect where the buyer is in their decision making process. If a deal is listed in Discovery, the selling organization knows the deal is still early in the sales cycle, but that’s about it. “Discovery” doesn’t indicate anything about the customer. These stage names do not highlight the problems the customer is facing in making a decision.

2) The more complex the sale, the less linear it is. This naming scheme attempts to force a non-linear sales process into a linear progression.

3) There is no consistency in the naming. In English class, we were taught that lists need to be consistent. A list of 6 items shouldn’t include 3 verbs, 2 adjectives, and a noun. This isn’t about being grammatically correct, but rather highlights that there is in fact something wrong with this naming convention.

The Right Approach

It’s called the Enterprise Integrated Sales Process (EISS). Full disclosure: I was taught the bulk of this by my good friend and mentor, Jim Banks of ShadeTree Technology. Although it’s designed for larger ACV sales, the frame of reference is usable for lower ACV opportunities. The stages are:

1) Awareness

2) Recognition

3) Determination

4) Justification

5) Acceptance

I’ll walk through these in reverse order because the key to the sales process is to reverse-engineer the deal from the end to the beginning.

Acceptance — an opportunity moves into Acceptance once every requirement from every stakeholder in the buying organization has been addressed. This includes legal and procurement. If all redlining has been finished, IT has approved security requirements, budgets have been allocated and approved, fee schedules set, use cases validated, and workflows understood, then the only remaining step is to initial paperwork.

In many organizations large and small just getting the signature can take days. Those few days are the Acceptance stage. By moving an opportunity to Acceptance, the AE is signaling to her company that every obstacle has been overcome. Nothing that was foreseeable can stop the deal now.

There are instances where procurement organizations will lie to the AE and a deal will move back to Justification from Acceptance. This should only happen when truly every foreseeable requirement was fulfilled, and then out of nowhere, something comes up at the end. “[Competitor] just offered us a price that’s 25% less than yours. If you don’t match it, no deal.” It’s unfortunate, but many procurement organizations are designed to do exactly this to vendors.

Justification — this is typically the longest stage of the sales cycle. An opportunity graduates from Justification into Acceptance when every foreseeable requirement for every stakeholder has been fulfilled. An opportunity moves into Justification from Determination when all of the requirements to close a deal are known. Thus, to move to Justification, an AE needs to understand the requirements of:

Approver — the person who literally signs the check. This is typically a procurement person, or in some cases, the VP whose budget is paying for the solution.

Decision Maker — typically the VP whose budget is paying for the solution. The DM and Approver can be the same person, although this is uncommon.

Recommender — these are people the VP looks to in assessing the solution. These can be Directors, or they can be SMEs. There may be a few Recommenders in a deal.

Influencer — like Recommenders, but they have less clout with the DM. This can include business analysts who help build business cases, or lower ranking SMEs who sit in on demos. There can be more than dozen Influencers.

IT — Although you could categorize IT as an Influencer or Recommender, they are an organization that almost always has its own unique of set of technical challenges that other Influencers and Recommenders don’t. As such, IT warrants its own role and in SalesForce. Note: if you’re selling into IT organizations, this this doesn’t make as much sense as most of the stakeholders are by definition in IT.

Legal — again, a functional group that AEs always have to deal with. Make sure that AEs know who these people are and what they want in a deal.

Procurement — again, a functional group that AEs always have to deal with. Make sure to know who these people are and what they want to see in a deal.

Each stakeholder in the buying organization has her own thoughts and views of the solution they’ve been asked to evaluate. Very few of them will directly shares their views with the AE. But most of them will share their opinions of the seller’s solution if the AE asks. The imperative of the Justification stage is to ensure that no one in the buying organization has any reason to object to the seller. NONE. If anyone has a reason to object, the deal is likely lost.

In order to fulfill everyone’s requirements, AEs first have to figure out what people want.

Determination — this stage is all about diagnosing. The AE has to 1) figure out who all of the stakeholders are, and 2) what their requirements are. This is an explicitly divergent problem, whereas Justification is a convergent problem.

“Here are the 12 people you’ll need to engage with. John makes the decisions around here. He needs to see a 25% ROIC and 12 month payback period to do a deal. He will rely on Sally and Bob’s judgement about the real value you can deliver. John will work with Jim and Jane on building a business case. And he’ll turn to Janet in legal, Nancy in procurement, and Dylan in IT to get their blessing. Here’s everyone’s contact info. Oh, and Nancy will be the one that signs the check. I know you care about that.”

That has never been said in the history of sales. AEs have to uncover all of that information and more.

During this stage, AEs need to rely on their Champion inside the buying organization to navigate. The Champion will be involved in Justification too, but the bulk of the work the Champion will do be in Determination.

Recognition — A deal exits Recognition when the AE has asked her primary point of contact these 2 questions:

1) “Will you be my champion? That is, will you help me navigate your organization and understand the pitfalls and processes that we’ll need to work through together?”

2) “If it’s not going to work out, will you be the first to tell me so that we don’t both waste our time?”

When the champion has agreed to those criteria, a deal moves to Determination. Recognition is about selling one person. The remainder of the sales cycle after Recognition is about selling the rest of the organization.

The most common reason deals fail in Recognition is when the contact in the buying organization says “let me get my colleague involved for a demo” before the two questions above have been asked. This almost always results in failure. Why? Because that statement implies that AE’s current contact isn’t Champion material. Champions by definition need conviction in the solution they’re bringing into the organization. Without conviction, there’s no Champion. Without a champion, there’s no deal.

Most contacts that a sales organization is talking to at the Recognition stage have never championed a project through before. They rarely understand how their organization buys solutions, or even that champions need to exist to shepherd deals. This is why question #1 above is so important.

Question #2 is just as important. This will be the first time that anyone from the sales organization expresses vulnerability to the buying organization. This is a crucial moment of trust-building. It also creates a commitment from the champion to be honest with the AE.

Awareness — Awareness means that at least one person from one side of a transaction is aware of and interested in the other company. For inbound leads, Awareness translates to unqualified marketing leads. For outbound sales efforts, Awareness-stage deals are all untouched, qualified prospects. A deal moves to Recognition when one individual from each side of the deal has expressed interest in the other. At this point, the sales organization has to convince this person to be the champion.

Note: most sales organizations will transition account ownership from an SDR to an AE when a deal moves from Awareness to Recognition, or after the 1st or 2nd conversation in Recognition.

The Power of EISS

So why is the EISS naming-scheme so much better than traditional naming conventions? Because these stages tell all parties inside the selling organization what’s going on in the deal. For example, is it more useful for a CEO or CFO to see “Demo” or “Determination” as the stage for a given deal?

“Demo” is a meaningless term. Demos can happen in Recognition, Determination, and Justification. But Determination means that there’s a champion, and that the AE is trying to figure out who else needs to be involved. With that information, the CEO/CFO can ask hard questions such as “What is the background of the SME/Recommender on this deal? Has she led prior technology implementations that impacted this population of employees?”

Another example. If an AE has listed as a deal as “Negotiation,” the natural inclination is to ask about the terms that are currently being negotiated. But this is the wrong first question about any negotiation: “Have we (the selling organization) diagnosed every issue and requirement possible, and fulfilled the key requirements to ensure that the customer realizes the potential value of our solution?” If an AE lists a deal as “Determination” but begins talking about pricing, that’s a red flag. How could the customer possibly be willing to pay the maximum possible price if the customer doesn’t yet know what the real value of the solution is?

One of the most challenging aspects of sales is to orient EVERYTHING through the lens of the customer. This post just touched on one component of view: stage naming. Terms like “Demo” and “Negotiation” are actions that the sales organization does with the buyer. But those actions don’t represent where the buyer is in their buying process. The EISS provides the framework that sales organizations should use to map all actions and descriptors through the eyes of the customer.

How To Run A Weekly Sales Forecast Meeting

This post will outline how to run a weekly sales review meeting. These guidelines are intended for B2B SaaS startups with < $10M ARR.

Why run a weekly sales forecast meeting?

Some may think that running the same, repetitive meeting each week is a sub-optimal use of time. After all, as long as everything is in SalesForce, and SalesForce is always up to date, why spend an hour each week reviewing what’s in SalesForce?

A VC once told me “sales is sloppy.” I’ll never forget that. In most sales organizations, this is true. Sales professionals, without strict and rigorous guidance, rules, and infrastructure, will devolve into haphazard mercenaries. Sales organizations, like all organizations, tend towards entropy. The weekly sales forecast review meeting is an explicit fight against the natural tendency towards entropy.

Sales is 90% science, 10% art. The weekly sales forecast meeting will force everyone in the company — the CEO, CFO, VP Sales, VP Marketing, VP Customer Success, VP product, and sales reps — to be honest with everyone else about the state of things. This will reduce entropy, and inform decision making throughout the company. Most importantly, it will force sales reps to be honest with themselves.

Who should attend?

VP Sales — this is the VP Sales’ meeting. She should “own” this meeting. More on the VP Sales’ role below.

CEO — she should be providing the highest level of accountability, and be thinking about the implications of every word said on the other functions of the business

VP Finance — she should be asking hard questions of the sales reps to ensure that the company is on track to achieve its goals. Sales reps should be prepared to answer the 4 key finance questions for a given deal: 1) when will the deal close 2) how much revenue is at stake 3) what is the probability of closing 4) what are the payment terms?

VP Product — she is probably not necessary when the ACV is < $50K. But when the ACV exceeds $50K and there is explicitly some level of customization delivered to each customer, the VP Product should be blessing each deal for product/customer fit. This can happen outside the scope of the forecast meeting so the VP Product may not attend every forecast, but she should be coming 1–2 times / month.

VP Customer Success — she needs to know exactly how many deals are closing in the next 30/60/90 days, and what those customers are expecting. Sales reps need to be prepared to discuss any idiosyncrasies that the customer success organization needs to know about.

VP Marketing — she needs to know where the big deals are coming from. And she needs to be prepared to ask the AEs questions about their deals to learn and incorporate those learnings further up the funnel. The forecast meeting won’t be the discussion forum for the VP marketing to dive deep with AEs, but the discussion in the meeting will prompt further discussion afterwards.

Account Executives — they should be ready to report on each deal for all of the stakeholders above.


Since this is likely the only forum in the company where you have the sales team, VP Finance, VP Customer Success, and CEO together, it’s natural to want to review new processes and procedures for the sales organization during this meeting.


This meeting should operate under military-grade in discipline. The cadence should be rhythmic. Introducing open-ended, question-induced, discussion based content will ultimately take away from the purpose of the meeting: reducing entropy in the sales process and all of the downstream effects on the business. All procedural matters can be handled after the forecast meeting, or in another forum, but never before.

The agenda of the meeting should be as follows:

VP Sales: “The revenue closed so far this month is $A. The target for this quarter is $X. We are (not) on pace to hit the target this month. The revenue closed so far this quarter is $B. The target for this quarter is $Y. We are (not) on pace to hit the target this quarter. The revenue closed so far this year is $C. We are (not) on pace to hit the target this year.”

While stating the above, the VP Sales should display cumulative revenue charts on a dashboard (I prefer InsightSquared).

There are a few reasons for the strict nature of the above. It will force the VP Sales to own the numbers each week in front of her most important constituents. Every second of every day, the VP Sales needs to feel the pressure of the upcoming weekly forecast meeting. She will know she will be grilled on Friday each week if things aren’t going according to plan. This is a great source of accountability. Next…

VP Sales: “Next we’ll briefly review deals that have been closed since the last forecast meeting.”

Every opportunity discussed from this point forwards — closed and open — should already be open in a unique tab in Chrome. Each tab should have the relevant summary view to highlight the key information that is being presented.

For each deal that’s closed in the last week, the AE that closed the deal should recap the following info: date closed, relevant financial information,, did it close per the original forecast, if not, why not, what problem does the customer perceive, why does the customer perceive us as the best solution, why do they feel a need to act now, and how will they measure success? For deals > $50K, there are likely idiosyncrasies for each deal. In those cases, the AE should also highlight those idiosyncrasies, as well as any unique customer expectations.

This should not be the first time anyone in attendance has been informed of this information. Everyone who is attending this meeting should have already been sent the SalesForce link shortly after the deal closed. So why review the past in the explicitly forwards-looking, weekly forecast meeting? To give AEs a chance to shine. After the deals-that-have-closed recap, the remainder of this meeting is existentially about grilling AEs and calling BS on what’s in SalesForce and what they say. It helps AEs to have a few seconds of fame before being grilled. Next…

VP Sales: “Next we’ll review the pipeline on a per deal basis, in the order of forecasted close date through [end of current quota period, ideally monthly, but maybe quarterly]. The AE who owns each deal will present the opportunity.”

For each opportunity, the opportunity owner should state each of the following: why buy?, why us?, why now?, forecasted close date, forecasted $, probability of closing, use case/industry (if relevant), stage, the roles of the individuals involved, and the diagnosis/prescription for each individual (more on that below).

What do I mean by the diagnosis/prescription for each individual? In any sale involving multiple stakeholders, each individual has a set of requirements that must be completed before blessing the purchase of your product. First, those requirements must be understood (diagnosis). Next, the AE must satisfy those requirements (prescription).

There are a few universal in the enterprise sales process. You may add some of your own:

Approver — the person who literally signs the check. Sometimes a VP, but usually in procurement

Decision Maker — usually a VP. Can be the same as the Approver.

Procurement — other individuals in procurement who are not the final approver

Legal — other individuals in legal who are the final approver

IT — self explanatory

Recommender — a subject matter expert who the VP relies on. This is not a business analyst or IT person, but someone somewhat senior who will likely use the product daily and will have strong opinions about the capabilities of the product and the usefulness for the organization

Influencer — business analysts, lower-level recommenders

3rd parties — consultants like Accenture/Deloitte, if applicable

Every deal must have an Approver, Decision Maker, Legal, and Procurement person explicitly identified. The other roles are optional, though usually helpful. Typically, the more of them an AE has put into SalesForce, the more real the deal is. (Note, SalesForce’s default UI for role-management for opportunities isn’t great, but it’s highly functional and gets the job done).

For each role in the opportunity, the AE must outline her requirements in order to move the deal forwards. It should be assumed that anyone whose criteria haven’t been met has veto power.

Meeting Rules

Everyone should come to this meeting preparred. That means the VP finance has reviewed pipeline dashboards and YTD revenue numbers prior to the meeting and has flagged which deals concern her. The VP Customer Success has flagged deals in which she has questions. etc. And most importantly, AEs must know the exact status of each deal they own. They should know answers to every question above without needing to look in SalesForce, even though they’ve already answered every question above in writing in SalesForce.

The content outlined above is extensive by design. A small minority of organizations have the discipline to make it through all of that content in one hour. Those that do are exceptional.

In addition to preparation, there are two other unbreakable rules: no names, and no anecdotes. It’s incredibly tempting for AEs to simply ramble on about a deal. “Bob told me he’ll get back to me next week about X, Joe said that I satisfied his requirements, and I’m going on site next week with Joanne to review and satisfy her requirements.” To a CEO that has a million other things going on, that is 100% useless information. Who are Bob, Joe, and Joanne? What are their roles in the buying process?

The rule of no names and no anecdotes forces clarity. Rather than naming people by name, AEs should reference individuals involved in the opportunity by role. This provides clarity to everyone at the table what’s going on in a deal. And rather than discuss anecdotes about travel, dates of phone calls, and myriad details, AEs should be forced to state everything in abstract terms. This brings clarity to the sales process. Consider the following two statements:

“I’m currently working with Sally and Lisa at Acme Corporation. Sally is really concerned about [problem]. I’ve talked to her about it and think she’s happy with us. She really likes [feature] that solves [problem]. I don’t see why she won’t support us in the buying committee meeting. Lisa on the other hand is a real prickler. She keeps giving me new hoops to jump through, and Bob supports every hurdle she throws my way! The most recent is [other problem.] I had a call with her this week to review it, but she was rushed and had to jump off after just 5 minutes so we rescheduled for 45 minutes next week. Don’t worry, I asked her explicitly if she can guarantee 45 minutes next week and she said yes. I may pull in [VP Product] and [VP Customer Success].”


“There are two recommenders on this deal. Both are Senior [job title] and have been with the company for 10+ years. Both command respect from the decision maker, and the decision maker will not move forward without both of their blessings. One recommender has expressed concern about [problem], and I have explicitly outlined why [feature] solves that problem. She has agreed that this feature adequately address her needs, and that she will support us in the buying committee meeting. The other is very concerned about [another problem]. I will know whether our current feature set addresses her needs by [date], and will coordinate with [VP Product] and [VP Customer Success] accordingly.”

Every AE will naturally tend towards the first statement rather than the second. Why? Because AEs spend most of their time talking with people. AEs are “people persons.” The 1st example is a “people person” response. The 2nd is refined, abstracted, pure sales-reporting statement.

The 1st example is nearly useless to busy executives. There is no context for the actual diagnosis and prescriptions discussed, and way too much detail about the inner workings of each. The 2nd example provides all of the right context, and frames every piece of information in a light in which the rest of the organization can understand what’s going on. The VP Marketing can see threads across customers about features that are worth highlighting more earlier in the sales cycle. And the VP Customer Success will begin to draw out the success criteria for the opportunity.


Running a weekly forecast review is unintuitive at first. Everyone attends the meeting with her own agenda, at least to some extent. AEs often feel it’s a waste of time when the info already exists in SalesForce. But the meeting is just as much for AEs — to keep themselves honest — as it is to report to the organization. The VP Sales has to manage all of the constituents in this meeting closely to keep the meeting on track. It will tend towards entropy if not managed.

The Four Types of Sales Professionals

Sales professionals create value in the mind of the customer. Period. They don’t persuade, they don’t trick, they don’t deceive. They create value, regardless of industry vertical or deal size. But sales professionals create value in different ways. In this post, I’ll outline the 4 fundamental kinds of sales value creation. Many sales jobs will not perfectly fit into one of these categories. However, all sales jobs can be predominantly characterized as one of the following.

Order takers

These people are technically sales professionals in job title, but they create only marginal value in the mind of the customer. They exist to answer the phone (or worse, fax), enter information into a system, and process payments. They don’t really sell in the traditional sense of the word. Order takers do not exist in startups. Order takers exist in commodity businesses in which both parties have long understood exactly what’s being sold, the value of the product service, and have an intuitive sense of the price. They also exist when startups grow up into real companies well after they’ve achieved Initial Scale at ~$10M ARR and are on a clear path to $100M ARR.

SalesForce is a great example. Although SalesForce offers a self-serve option, they employ hundreds (maybe thousands?) of people who deal with SMBs who are paying just a few hundred dollars per month. These sales people aren’t doing any selling. The SalesForce brand is selling itself. These sales people may answer some questions about billing and some features for customers, but they don’t carry quota, and they aren’t doing any material value creation in the mind of the customer.

Airlines are a great example of a commodity business that employs order takers. Airlines still employ thousands of people who answer the phone and place orders into ticketing systems. Big companies know that order takers are purely a cost center. The brand and the marketing has done all of the value-creation in the mind of the consumer, so the order taker is left purely as a cost center. As such, most airlines actually charge customers an additional fee to place orders by phone as a way to encourage consumers to buy online, where no human cost is involved. Airlines have literally decided to pass the cost of order takers onto consumers.

Similarly, SpareFoot, an Austin company, just shuttered its call center. Why? They removed the 800-number from every page of their website and instead drove traffic to online self-serve channels. When they flipped this switch, they obviated the need for 84 call center staff. Assuming a fully loaded cost of $50,000 / employee / year, SpareFoot just added $4.2M / year back to the bottom line. That’s a huge profit lift considering that SpareFoot is orders of magnitude smaller than SalesForce or airlines. Just imagine how much money those companies spend on order takers.

Volume Players

Volume players can be easily confused with stereotypical sleazy sales people. Some volume players are indeed sleazy, but many aren’t. Volume players are used car sales professionals, people who try to sell magazine subscriptions over the phone, and Sales Development Reps (SDRs) who sell low annual contract value (ACV) products. Examples include YodleMainStreetHub, andOutbound Engine. All of these companies sell to SMBs and their price points don’t exceed $300 or $400 / month. These companies probably have SDRs and Account Executives (AEs) in the sales cycle, but their business is really just a numbers game. They employ some order takers, but most of their sales staff are dialing for dollars.

The beautiful thing about volume players is that the sales cycles are short and relatively easy. They typically have a low conversion rate, which is exactly why volume players are volume players: they have to make up for low conversion rates in volume. The low conversion rate isn’t the fault of the sales professional; rather, it’s just typical of low ACV customers. Volume players create value in the mind of the buyer, but the purchase decision is in many cases made on a whim (easily characterized by 1-call closes), or made through the lens of “I’ll try it for a month, it will only cost a few hundred bucks, and kill it if it isn’t working.” There’s nothing wrong with that thinking through the lens of the customer. If the product works as advertised, then everyone has won: the customer has extracted value from the product/service, the company has provided value, the company has generated profit, and sales professional has earned her commission.

Volume players live and die by the rules of the system. The VP Sales and sales ops leaders design the system, and the volume player SDRs and AEs live in the system. They thrive in it. The rules are clearly defined, comp plans are crystal clear, every objection and concern has already been considered, everything is mapped out in SalesForce/SalesLoft, and there is almost no ambiguity or material decision that needs to be made at any point in a given sales process once a sales professional is trained and up-to-speed. It’s easy to identify the best volume players: they work at companies that have optimized the system to a teel, and they more than double their base salary with variable comp. They are looking for structure and support from their employer so they can focus on creating value in the mind of the customer without any distractions.

SDRs who sell high ACV products are often volume players as well. However, they only operate at the top of the sales funnel, and can afford to think in terms of volume. AEs who sell high ACV ($50K+) products are…


Magicians create material value in the mind of the customer where there was once no value. That’s why they are magicians. They create something out of nothing. This is real enterprise selling. It’s also by far the most difficult form of sales. The best magicians take home $1M+ / year after taxes.

Magicians sell novel, high ACV products. That means magicians only really exist in enterprise technology sales. Very few other products fit that mold.

The 1st step to becoming a magician is to develop a deep understanding of the customer. Magicians learn everything they can about their current customers’ existing processes, workflows, and problems. They become industry experts. No detail is too trivial.

The very best magicians don’t want to figure out the basics on their own. They expect to spend the first 30 days going through rigorous sales training that has already been devised and laid out for them by the VP Sales and sales ops leadership. Early stage CEOs are by definition magicians. They have to literally figure out all of the consumer’s paint points, and what messaging resonates with them. Overtime, the CEO will work with sales leadership to extract all of the information from the CEO’s brain and turn it into a magician-factory, AKA a sales training program.

There will be a phase from $500K — $5M ARR where the sales training system isn’t fleshed out to support the best magicians. This is the hardest phase in which to hire magicians. The best magicians will know exactly what kind of supporting infrastructure they need. They’ll figure this out with just a few questions:

  1. Have you built out a full customer lifecycle map with all of the relevant stakeholders, the the key concerns and objections they have, and relevant materials to overcome those objections?
  2. Do you have half a dozen case studies on the website of customers who are paying $[median ACV * 1.5]?
  3. What are the top 2 reasons VPs buy the product?

Real magicians know that if the company can’t answer these questions (and many more) in two sentences or less, the infrastructure isn’t ready to support them. They know what they need.

The phase between $500K and $5M ARR is tough. The CEO sold the first $500K haphazardly. That’s standard. But as the company passes $1M ARR, the CEO will need help. The CEO can’t maintain 15% m/m growth as the numbers become ever-larger. But real magicians won’t join because they know they won’t make as much money as they will if they stay at their current, larger, more mature company.

Finding people who will become magicians but aren’t yet is incredibly difficult. They have to be smart enough to think on their feet and adaptable, they have to understand the customer, they have to learn real enterprise selling, they have to know they will lose deals simply because the company hasn’t encountered all of the variables yet, but not yet far enough along in their careers to have comp expectations > $250K. That’s a very fine needle to thread.

Over the last 30 years, the sales process has become increasingly value-creation focused. There was a time (so I’m told) where $10M deals were sold based on relationships. This is by and large not the case in enterprise technology anymore due to any number of factors: the cloud, free information on the Internet, social media, technology maturity, etc. Today, magicians conduct enterprise sales.

Note, magicians come by many names: enterprise sales professionals, consultative sales, etc.

Relationship Based Selling

This is “old boys” sales. This involves wining and dining customers, playing golf with them, and doing anything possible to spend time with the customer. Per the Benjamin Franklin effect, if someone spends that much time with another person, how can they not like one another?

Relationship based selling is by and large gone today in enterprise technology. But it still exists in many other industries including real estate, pharmaceutical, and med device. These sales processes only work for high ACV items because the cost of maintaining the relationship is high.

The worst examples of this exist in the implantable med device industry. I have met medical device reps who are proud of the fact that they pick up surgeons’ dry cleaning. This process is being curbed by the growth of value analysis committees in hospitals, but it is still prevalent in in healthcare, where sophisticated med device and pharma companies charge copious amounts of money to insurance companies to justify ridiculously inflated sales costs.

Relationship-based sales professionals are easy to spot during the interview process. They’ll ask early on what the T&E budget is because they are used to abusing generous big company T&E policies that are designed to support relationship based sales. They probably have gone over the T&E allocation a few times, have been scolded for it, and as such are particularly worried about how many $100 dinners they can purchase for themselves on the company’s dime. Moreover, they aren’t typically that interested in really understanding the customer’s problems. They are just more interested in being nice to the customer and being her best friend because that’s easy and worked for them in the past. Relationship-focused sales professionals will probably come to the interview with a superficial understanding of the problem the company is solving and how company’s solution goes about solving it. Why? Because they expect the system to teach them what they need to know, and then they expect to go out and just spend time with customers and get customers to like them. They will lack the native motivation to dive deep into the industry and become experts.