Communication is a Means to an End

Healthcare delivery is perhaps the most fragmented service on Earth. Medicine continues to fragment and specialize further every year. In The Checklist Manifesto, Dr. Atul Gawande joked that surgeons are specializing in left ear and right ear surgery. Healthcare delivery is fragmented across medical disciplines, job classes, job functions, geographies, and even within and among buildings on a medical campus.

Pristine envisions a future in which medical professionals communicate seamlessly with one another without thinking. Eyeware computers such as Google Glass will be the enabling technology.

Let's examine a few use cases:

For a general consult: "OK Glass, start an EyeSight call with Dr. Smith."

For a derm consult: "OK Glass, start an EyeSight call with a dermatologist."

With a CRNA wearing Glass in the OR: "OK Glass, start an EyeSight call with an anesthesiologist."

For a concerned nurse: "OK Glass, text Sally 'the patient in room 3 is doing fine.'"

For a physician in clinic: "OK Glass, text Dr. Johnson 'we discharged the patient in room 5.'"

For an EMT in the field: "OK Glass, start an EyeSight call with a trauma specialist, stat."

For a wound care nurse: "OK Glass, start an EyeSight call with a wound care specialist."

For an intensivist resident: "OK Glass, start an EyeSight call with my attending."

Glass presents the foundation to support the ultimate Pristine communication platform. Communication platforms have traditionally imposed a significant cost on medical professionals: using hands. But in many circumstances, medical professionals can't and shouldn't use their hands even though they need to communicate with others. Pristine's handsfree communication platform will open new communication channels.

Communication is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. The most important result of seamless communication in medicine is that patients will have more access to better, more cost effective care. Communication lies at the crux of the triple aim: cost, quality, and access.